Christianity-Judaism: Faith, first, Religion, last

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It’s long but you will understand how a Faith became confused with a Religion. The former is reality; the latter only for our earthly life.

The unseen world is the real one. Those who say, “If I can’t see it I don’t believe it,” find themselves at odds with everything scientific. Who would guess that there was proof every single person was a unique individual until the 20th century when they discovered invisible DNA. Invisible things delineate and dominate our lives, everything that is except our free will, from wavelengths of sound and light, internet, phones, personalities, and the unseen world of the animal mind.

So let’s get this straight. You cannot say rationally that invisible things do not exist. That will include demons and angels as we become more attuned in our society to look for and appreciate these beings, all of which God made for the furtherance of His Kingdom and ours.

This video is perfect for the intellectual, the person who decries social gospels and confuses them with social work and other functions that churches do. Churches are gatherings of people who may or may not completely adhere to the demands and expectations of their heavenly father.

Human fathers are not copies of Heavenly fathers and local policemen do not base their lives on God’s legal capacity to discipline. We are all flawed copies of our Saviour. In fact, the “whole world lies in the Wicked One.” We are strangers here, sent to overcome the world with our God and the ever-present guidance of the Risen Christ. It takes time to put all this theology together and make it our own.

This Rabbi sets us on the right road to understanding the Creator God and the wicked world that long ago was turned over to the management of His Enemy – a world to be restored by faith of his creation – Man – one by one.


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