Blood Sacrifice and the Symbolism of the Death of Seal Team 6 (revised)

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With Joe Biden running for President it’s time to review some sorry information from the past, his revealing the names of Seal Team 6 which led to their murder. This allowed the men to be sacrificed.
Dream interpretation, symbolism and visions are all forms of non-verbal communication (as are music and movies) but they contain messages none-the-less. Frequently we ignore them or spend a few minutes being puzzled and then give up. They need to be analyzed, identified and understood.
Certain basic rules apply. You don’t match apples with oranges; for example, a dream about an animal will not refer to a building unless that building’s logo is an animal. (Geico as an example.)

Biblical Symbolism goes back thousands of years

The Judeo-Christian Bible is a good start because it is the oldest book on this topic and because the symbolism has been well tested over the years. A notable example which has modern application is the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham 3,500 years ago. (Genesis 22) It is the portrait of the later sacrifice of Jesus and a warning and example of why we are not to sacrifice our children.

Blood Sacrifice for appeasing an angry God

Blood sacrifice is a long-standing principle in all societies. Let us apply this to a modern situation. Soon after Barak Obama ordered the death of Osama Bin Laden a group of terrorists “sacrificed” members of the Seal Team 6 – the group which carried out the assassination. See Deaths of Seal Team 6 Exposed
This was not merely revenge but that they provided Allah, their god, with a blood sacrifice. But who noticed? As far as I can tell, practically no one. But that is the core of any interpretation – the meaning of events. Islamic fundamentalists see this as a sacrifice to Allah since he is the source and destiny of their political religion. It also occurred on August 6, 2011, a Saturday, the high holy day for the Jews. Even though Seal Team members were probably mostly Christian, Muslims still think of their main enemy as Jews. The Taliban took the credit for the hit.

Abortion also is a blood sacrifice

Blood sacrifice, e.g. abortion, is a continuing factor in modern societies from the 13 million per year in modern China to the 4 million a year in the USA, and is a legal or illegal factor in most other nations. It is a practice going all the way back to the Moabites of the Bible who sacrificed to Moloch, the god of child sacrifice. God’s warning to them was that Israel was to wipe them off the face of the earth. Judging by the statistics above that hasn’t happened yet.
Since the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob does not accept child sacrifice, someone else does – Satan. The practice obligates us to him. By-the-by, he feels no such obligation to reward us. Our ignorance of these matters is of no concern. Like a small child who accidentally eats a chili pepper, the innocent act in no way affects the painful outcome – a burned mouth.

5 Principles of Islam

Obama’s flag (see Symbolism – What does Obama’s new flag mean?? contains a reference to the blood sacrifice which is a core belief in Islamic fundamentalism. – the voluntary death of the believer to please Allah and reach heaven with its carnal rewards. The horizontal stripes on his flag represent the 5 principles of Islam all won with the blood of martyrs, or of infidels. Islam believes and practices the theology which requires either the conversion or death of the infidels – that is, anyone who disagrees with them. Their martyrs’ deaths are proof of their sincerity.

The Sacrifice for Sins already paid

Judaism and Christianity unqualifiedly reject this theology believing the blood sacrifice has already been made – for the Jews at their High Holy Days, and the Christians in the sacrifice of Jesus. That puts these two groups at the top of the Islamic hit list. Jesus warns (Luke 21:20) But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near” so keep your eyes on Israel.
If all this seems arcane to you it is not to the middle eastern mind which has dominated this generation. For Muslims the year they were thrown out of Spain (1492) is just as real as yesterday. That was the same time that Christopher Columbus headed to the new World as a Christian missionary, a fact not often recognized. 

Christopher Columbus was a Christian evangelist

Columbus’ first name means in Greek “Christ bearing” and the explorer received permission to take his crew to the “Indies” for the express purpose of evangelism. The fact that he was replaced by Spanish soldiers who brought with them venereal and European diseases does not negate his own better motives.
Islamists believe that they will rule the whole world so of course they want back into Spain. Their theology trumps every other concern. . The fervor of the military mission is enhanced by their 500 year failure to make any appreciable progress. Other than infiltrating many societies they have not managed to establish Sharia Law in any but those nations already committed to Sharia.

A culture that embraces death cannot breathe life into society.

Germany, England, and France originally welcomed Muslims but have changed their minds, seeing the obdurate refusal to accept any of the principles by which these European societies live. That Muslim nose in the tent was a mistake. And where Muslims have infiltrated they have not improved the society. They remain an isolated group, unwilling to change.
Victor David Hanson of the Hoover Institution ( has good comments on why this failure has motivated them to fight harder.

President Obama set the tone for a Muslim leader

Back to Mr. Obama. Media people were puzzled that his reaction to the death of the ambassador in Libya was so indifferent. He reacted as though it was none of his concern. And it is not if he considers himself “resident” of a state, America, which will be subsumed into the Islamic takeover. He flies another flag. The following picture shows a non-verbal verification of this.
But he does pledge the Russian flag. He and his wife do not put their hands over their heart when watching others say the pledge – they do not pledge. Their hands go over their right lung. They are citizens of another country. This is all non-verbal information, hence symbolism.
The America flag does not appear when Obama is speaking from the Oval Office.
With that in mind the “terrorists” who took down the twin towers on 9/11 are actually just helping to bring about the world government of Islam. The terrorists, who attacked the embassy and burned the flag, were not burning Obama’s flag, so why would he stand by America and its employees? If the Terrorists are bringing in the new world government why would Obama, their new leader, condemn them? They are doing Allah’s will.
Candidate Obama told the Media before he was elected that he wanted a society of government control, redistribution of assets, which means rich people will leave and the remaining citizens left will be poor- equally poor.
All of his plans are in his autobiography.  Mr. Obama placed environment above the interests of people, poverty has increased, joblessness has increased, all part of the leveling process integral to Islamic fundamentalism. Like Marxist China, none are rich (except the rulers) and all others are poor – that is the meaning of equality: Equally in want. I worked and lived in China and that is what they have – and they don’t like it.
Click here for commentary regarding President Trump moving the US  Embassy controversy.
Click here for information linking Fascism, Islamism and Anti-semitism.
Link between Democratic Socialism and Antisemitism.
Why Americans Must Support Israel
Boycotting Israel – the Ultimate in Antisemitism
#Islam #ShariaLaw #ChristopherColumbus

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