The Borders of the Mind

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BT Before Trump AT after Trump

For a large troop of Americans, 2009 to 2016 was a stop action movie where figures are frozen in time waiting for something to happen, for someone to flip a switch so they could return to the business of life, or for that matter any kind of business. It reminded me of the Apple advertisement of 1984 when brain-dead sycophants goose-stepped to oblivion and technology crashed through to wake them up.

And then schazam! Candidate Trump, the exact opposite of what would be chosen by Central Casting comes on the scene slaughtering sacred cows right and left, and leaving us in the valley of decision.  This is the designated time in our personal or private history where we decide which side we are on. A parade of miscreants and arrogant managers paraded across our screens, the old panegyrics about Obama were either hotly but ineffectively defended by his supporters, and the truth about almost every conceivable misdeed for decades was exposed.  And that not by President Trump, but simply by someone “being there.” Every accuser met some kind of personal ax.

While the President was out glad-handing international power brokers and luring dissident employers back home, 20 plus Congresspersons left office and at least that many men who could not keep their zippers up or their mouths closed were cleaning out their desks. The Media, reading in unison from a teleprompter in LaLa land focused on Russian chicanery and found it in Hillary’s own documents, along with the supposedly squeaky clean FBI – like Squeaky Fromme?

We know What, and soon we will know much more, but Why? Because the voting public needs to have secure borders of their minds as well as the national jurisdiction. But for that they needs facts and truth; as the media grinds on, there appears to be fewer of them.

Everything is not good and right. Everyone is not supposed to be here. Every theology, every philosophy, every governmental system and every opinion is not equal. Every decision is not right or conversely, is not wrong. The popular relativism leads nowhere and is a mental squirrel cage of circular thinking.  Cultures are not equal, and societies and governments are not morally equivalent as any even sloppy examination would demonstrate. To abdicate responsibility is still a decision.

We must know who we are and what we are supposed to do.  We have decided not to be the world’s 911 police radio.  We have decided not to let everyone immigrate here just because they want to be Americans.  We have decided that we need to handle some problems ourselves, like the opioid crisis, like the problem of nearly one half our criminals in prison being illegals, or states that show contempt for the federal government by creating sanctuary cities, all issues which we allegedly solved at the Battle of Gettysburg.  States rights we have yes; States wrongs, no.

The next elections are not so much about Donald Trump in spite of Media hype to that effect. It is about us.  Will we accept the truth and become free, or walk away from our own generation’s responsibility.

I am staying in the fight for America.  Are you?

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