When your faith conflicts with your employment

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There are occasions in our work world when we must do things that are in violation of our own principles. There are employees who are expected to be in drunken parties with others. I’ve heard of people who feel an obligation to give to charities they think are corrupt. Some bosses expect employees to engage in practices that are morally objectionable. As the modern saying goes, there is an APP for that.eldercare

God knows the difference between what you must do in your job that violates your conscience and what your own conscience is telling you.

There is an example in the Old Testament.

Naaman the Syrian (that is, he was not a Jew) had a miracle healing from the Jewish God. At the prompting of his maid he was encouraged to seek out Elisha the Prophet for a cure for his leprosy, a disease so disfiguring that it also made him a pariah in his community. This healing restored him to his position and his job. However, he also knew he must take part in idol worship in the course of his duties as General of the Army.

He appealed to Elisha the Prophet for mercy, which was granted. Here is the passage.

I Kings 5:17 Naaman said, “If not, please let your servant at least be given two mules’ load of earth; for your servant will no longer offer burnt offering nor will he sacrifice to other gods, but to the Lord. 18 In this matter may the Lord pardon your servant: when my master goes into the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, when I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, the Lord pardon your servant in this matter.” 19 He said to him, “Go in peace.”

Naaman was required to accompany his boss into a idol temple for worship and wanted to be sure God knew he wasn’t taking part in his heart.  God knows when you have tough, conflicting calls and He has mercy on that. However, no one should expect to stay in a job that continually challenges one’s faith. There are other jobs.

I once worked for a woman involved in the occult.  I got out as fast as I could. She had hired some witches for her business and I worked with them on separate shifts in Eldercare.  One woman levitated the bed in the spare bedroom on one old man.

Another witch prompted an old man she was serving, another Eldercare assignment, to contact his dead wife. That was too much for me. There were also some Christian nurses who were disturbed over his reaction. We all noticed he was agitated after she was on duty. I quit without comment.

I worked for a woman in a job that had much potential but in her office she conducted worship services for a quasi-Christian cult; it preached that there is no sin. I quit there after a few months.  A year later the office building in which she worked caught on fire – but only her office burned.  A friend of mine had an office across the hall and all he suffered was a little smoke damage.  God is more than capable of judging people when they are out of line.

Two things we learn from this lesson. God does know your heart and two, be careful whom you hire to take care of an older adult. It was a shock to me to find witches actively trying to influence seniors in eldercare.

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