The Five Worldviews

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Western, Eastern, Islamic, Communist, Multiple

Political philosophy is based on assumptions about the nature of man. I mean here “Man” as generic not as gender/male. When we try to reach foreigners we must know their worldview or we are preaching to a deaf choir. Much of political negotiation’s success depends on understanding that others have a different view and that they will reject whatever you say if you do not take that into consideration. This is an essential skill for both the ambassador of a nation an well as Christian missionaries.

The Western Worldview

Western governments assumed that man is an imperfect being and that he arrives on the planet flawed, and will live out his life doing both good and evil according to his education, genes and environment. Judeo-Christian theology follows this assumption and Western governments worked on this premise ever since.

Kings, that is power brokers, took over because that is what power does, but after England (and Europe) went through centuries of wretched leaders and their cavorting, the Americans said no more, and devised a government based on this same assumption that man was not only flawed but that he required a government that recognized the flaws in all men and balanced out their lust and ambitions in planning governance, hence the US Constitution.

The Eastern Worldview

Eastern Man believes that humans are born into a system with a set position in the social order. Up until the Communist revolution in China, baby girls were not given names unless they were born into the aristocracy. Common folk named their girls Sister 1, Sister 2, etc. Communist egalitarianism stopped that. Women were now equal. (Aristocratic girls always were equal.) And everyone was part of a social class where they were stuck forever.

Chairman Mao didn’t create much good but that change was smart. He also required a common language instead of the mishmash of dialects, a change which helped China to enter the wider world. Communism in China broke up the rigidity of this social order.

The Communist Worldview

The third political philosophy and view of man was given voice by Karl Marx who regarded everyone as having no spiritual dimension, but only an economic motive for being alive and staying alive. Philosophically this was founded on the Darwinian doctrine of original creation by evolution, a doctrine which is dying a death with the extensive advances in science. Evolution has only been verified as being inside creation not outside of it after 150 years plus.

But at the time it supported the idea that humans had no life after death and were only interested in the comforts of the flesh. And Europe, always being in a state of flux, sopped it up as well as many other nations where rigid leadership kept them in poverty and want. Communism eliminates at least philosophically any moral code which sounds like fun for a while, but eventually anarchy takes over and the dissolution of a society.

Communism is based on “bait and switch”

The promise of communist leaders are the same as those of democracies everywhere – freedom of movement, choice and prosperity on your own effort. But the reality is always the same – control by a small group of masters whose first job is to take away the guns. Of course! That way dissidents cannot challenge the new masters. Eventually disillusionment of the entire population occurs and the society begins to deteriorate. The present state of Russia is a good example of how a society loses at all points after it has embraced a false promise.

Disillusionment in China began in 1989, and the on-going protest in Hong Kong is a continuation of Tienanmen Square’s protests that year. People are not stupid; decades of failure proves the point that communism is a failure and then there are decades working out of the very ditch they dug.

So communism was temporarily successful in many areas but because it failed to recognize the spiritual natural of man, has continued to decay as a choice. The visible collapse of communism in Hong Kong is a good example of communism’s failure. It does not work for the modern world.

The Islamic Worldview

The Middle Eastern nations believe in the evil nature of man but Islam, which has its roots in Judaism, adds to that the doctrine that Islam will take over the entire world. You can see that this theology is not going to work for the balance of the planet. Most nations will fight off any takeover if they have the firepower.

Worldviews in Isolation

Some isolated societies were not touched by these assumptions. The Quechua Indians thought everyone was evil and going to eat them. Groups like this can’t last. They become destroyed by their own fear. Eskimo tribes lived isolated lives in great harmony, but these exceptions were always small.

The structure of a nation’s language tells us a lot. The Chinese have no letters, but each character is a syllable. They put syllables together to form words, such as a character for animal joined with one for chicken or swine or cattle. They can write top to bottom or east to west and it is easy to read. Korean, however, is alphabetical, yet it lies right next door. That may explain their easy acceptance of Christianity as our Western languages match.

What is the Nature of Man?

There are your choices. You’ll notice it is all based on a belief about the nature of man. As long as these worldviews are in conflict we cannot and will not have international peace and harmony. Nations and individuals act and react based on what they believe in their heart of hearts.

The Bible says simply, “The heart of man is evil above all things and desperately wicked.” And this situation is the cause of wars and conflict from the lowest to the highest level of society.

The lesson we can learn from this is to identify our assumptions because the future of our own lives and that of our fellows will be determined by the one we choose.

Biden decision will harm Russia but provide no progress for world peace based on Russia’s real needs. Issues in Tibet.


#worldviews #Islam #communism #democracy #politicalphilosophy #China #Russia #HongKong

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