God is the One who Divides

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Political complaints frequently start with the word divisive. The implication is that this is something wrong. But a look at the scriptures tells us another truth – that God spent a good deal of His time dividing, light from dark, day from night, good from evil, and the major division of nations from each other.
Would that modern nations would keep their greedy paws off other nations.  Separate nations were God’s original decision and when the early humans tried to bring in political globalism, God divided them into separate languages.
He divides their tongues, in other words He pits people against each other when they are out of order. (Psalm 55:9) He divides foolish virgins from wise by checking their supply of end time oil. He divided the land of Israel into individual parts for the tribes.  (Joshua 13) There is no mention of Palestine or their claim to this land. Period.
Controversy is healthy. General George S. Patton said, “When everyone is thinking the same thing, someone is not thinking.” Arguing is unhealthy because it goes nowhere.
God separates the angels who defied His rule and sent them to Hell, limiting their access to humans and truth.
He divided the soldiers who were not astute and prepared for war leaving only a handful to fight the war.  But that way when they won the battle they knew it was God!
Solomon suggested that he slice the baby boy into two parts after the mothers were fighting over ownership. Solomon was wise; he knew the real mother was the one who would not harm her child. Division will force you to make a choice for good or evil.
He divided the Red Sea so the escaping Hebrews could flee Egypt.  Hebrew comes from a word meaning “to cross over.”  And that is what we do – cross from death to life either as Jews or Christians.
He said every kingdom that is divided against itself shall not stand.  There are many kingdoms in this world. Civil war has decimated some of them already.
He separated sheep – those who obey – from goats, those who say, “But, But, But.”
He said He would divide families too; some will follow Christ, others will not. To make a decision is to divide yourself from those who disagree. Decisions have consequences. You obey or pay.
The Science Guy says that my state has the largest varieties of flora in the nation. God loves diversity. Look at His creation. But when it comes to God’s Laws, there are no divisions.
The Bible says God hates divorce but He never says that about separation. Separation is common and often a requirement for progress. Paul and Mark separated, and the Kingdom grew larger for it. The church at Jerusalem found itself scattered, and the gospel spread like wildfire. Catholics and Protestants separated and the world is dotted with churches from the Fiji Islands to the Arctic Tundra.
God does everything except separate Himself from His creation. “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” He said. Prisoners may find Jesus standing right there in their cell. This is the mistake Deists make their mistake; they think God abandoned His work. But if you are paying attention you’ll find Him everywhere.
Some politicians plead for an end to division. No way! Why do they want unity? It may well be something we do not need for our society. We need make no deal with the devil. If a government will stick with what God wants (not God in charge as a theocracy) we will be happier for it.

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