All crimes are against people

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Doing His Duty

The Russian Hoax, perpetuated against Donald Trump both as a candidate and then as a sitting president, will not go away, at least not until some people are serving time. It is a crime against both groups and individuals, especially against the people of the USA who want and expect that their voting process is clean and verifiable. Those days are gone now. But the case points out that the victims of all crime are human beings, because we run the planet and our governments are under our control, yes, even the bad ones are tolerated and allowed to remain, unless people leave en masse as in Venezuela. It endangers the soldier whose life is on the line in far away nations among hostile forces. Lawlessness and contempt for the law weaken his position.

No matter who starts it, this kind of activity is called Treason and the Constitution regards that as the chief crime one can commit as an American or a foreigner because it constitutes an “act of war.” These men tarnished the nation’s highest legal authority and themselves and their associates, which are many.

Back during the 2nd World War in school we were required to read a small volume titled “Man without a Country.” This man committed treason and while he was not shot by a firing squad, which was the expected judgment, he was sent to live out his days off the Continental United States. It was a fitting punishment for his crimes against his countrymen. Remember, there is no such thing as a crime against a state – not really. All crimes in God’s eyes are against people.

Politicians, like all men, are flawed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ObamaGate – the Biggest Political Crime in History

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