Einstein, String Theory, Quantum Physics and God

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In the past 100 years because of questions asked and answered by physicists, the nature of reality has changed both in theory and in practice. The simple notions we have of life on earth do not work well in the outer reaches of space.

The universe is really quite small

It is almost impossible to think of this enormous universe as being confined in a small space, but it is. Where there is time there is also an end of time, hence an end of space as well. In fact, to God the entire universe may appear no larger than a steamer trunk.

The deceptive nature of space allows us to think we are isolated from God and He is disconnected or unconcerned.  And yet, He said to seven plus billion people on our planet, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” That is an intimate statement. If you throw in our guardian angels, we don’t have a minute alone on this planet.

Science needs to catch up to the Bible

In Brian Greene’s book, The Fabric of the Cosmos intended for non-scientific readers, his first chapter is a clear outline of the issues facing science today as the result of these investigations. (1) common reality and the new reality do not match. (2) string theory outlines a number, as many as 17 dimensions as yet unidentified. (3) space and time should be interchangeable but are not. (4) why does time always point forward, never backward, (5) why can’t we find a “unified theory” and (6) how can we explain all the different dimensions, referred to as string theory.

The Bible – imagine that – explains all of this. Virtually everything scientists have asked is answered by the Word of God. What scientists perceive but miss is the spiritual dimensions everywhere in space-time.

There are two types of time

There are two beginnings in time.  In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The beginning is the big bang and God predates that so God is the Big Banger. The cosmos because it has a beginning, middle and an end will eventually be done away with. That describes the temporal beginning of the created universe.

The 2nd description of a beginning

In John 1:1 John says, “Before the beginning began, the Word was.”  John is referring to eternity which is outside of time.  He begins his gospel with the time prior to Genesis 1:1. God was then in eternity as he also is now. God inhabits both time and eternity.  Time will eventually be done away with; eternity is just that. John 1;1 places Jesus originally in eternity to emphasize why he is God in the flesh, and not just a man born into time.

 Time and space will eventually end

God will, He said, roll earth up as a used garment and pitch it out.

Revelation 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Space and time are part of a unified whole BUT are also part of a “cosmic evolving.” They are relative to each other. The natural world works at one level and the cosmic at another. Scientists want to unify this but they can’t because they have not factored in eternity.


God is not “in” the universe

Scripture describes the unification in Colossians which says “God is all in all” and He is the “glue that holds the universe together.” This is not pantheism. God is no more in His creation than a woman is in a pie she bakes. He has contact with all parts of the universe because He chooses to do so.  Deism says God is not involved with his universe; poppycock!

God is in charge of more than we imagine

God has His hand in many things we ignore.  The weather for one. All the flap about Climate Change. God said the world would burn up, and he would do it.  Not man.  In the book of Amos He says he governs the weather, tornadoes, mildew, famine, hurricanes, floods, you name it.  All to prove a point.

As an example, think of the massive hurricane which wiped out most of New Orleans in 2005.  The hurricane was named Katrina which comes from a Greek word to”to cleanse.”  And New Orleans was a city of great pride in their moral depravity; Sodom and Gomorrah would be embarrassed to be so corrupt, and now it must start over.

He has a purpose for the universe. It is the training ground for human kind, their correction and eventual eternal life someplace else. The cosmos is not an end in itself; it is just a tool. The unification is the purpose for which the universe exists.

Colossians 1:16
For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Colossians 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

Many religions are cyclical

Animism, for example, and Buddhism and the many religions of India are based on the cycle of the seasons so their religions are time bound and include reincarnation which is cyclical in nature. That is to be expected from a cyclical religion.

Three religions are based on linear time – Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  They are all goal oriented and monotheistic so they recognize an end to time. They also do not recognize the end to human personality, all believing that we all live forever in an eternal state for good or ill.

Cyclical religion has no such future, even though eternity is built into human nature. I found that Chinese people may accept atheism as a political issue but they all seemed to believe in a Chinese heaven. I asked a small child what was God’s name and she quickly said, Shang Di, which describes a Creator god.

People do not lose their innate sense of God simply because a politician says so.  This is one of the main reasons Falun Gong has become so proactive in China and so dangerous, because it added the spiritual dimension to a secular world.

Physicists grapple with the invisible world

These goals God has for man also explain the ”arrow of time.” Greene wonders, if time and space go both ways, why you cannot unbreak eggs; once they are broken, no amount of action or prayer can turn them back to eggs inside shells. This truth about the universe flies in the face of the other physical evidence. But it makes sense according to the Bible. God has a plan and He put it into motion at the beginning.

Time only moves forward

We don’t turn back because there is no reason to do so. Moses was able to look at God’s back, not the front, because he (Moses) is supposed to be facing the future. If he looks at God’s front his view is of the past. This is the arrow of time. You will recall your personal dreams are of the present and future; dreams can explain the past but never change it. You and the cosmos are not going backward. “Back to the Future” is a movie drama, and nothing more.

If and when you get to heaven you will be able to see the past because everything in time is recorded. But returning to that point and changing it will be impossible.

Quantum physics does not recognize a spiritual dimension

The 3rd reason quantum physics is confused is because it puts the cart, the natural, before the horse, the spiritual. If you want to understand what is  happening look to the spiritual reality behind it. If you want to know why a dictator is killing his citizens, find out what wild mental problem he has, narcissism, ego mania, even insanity. Far too much time is spent looking at symptoms and causes are ignored. Quantum Physics wants to explain the reality before it explains the spiritual.

Time has value and is not static

The 4th problem is the flexible nature of time. Here is where the most casual of scientists can figure things out. Time appears to be uniform but it is not. Time not only goes only forward, it also has different values depending on the living.

When you are young time goes very slowly. What do all children say in the car. “Are we there yet?” every five miles. Children also have a misapprehension of space. Talk of the Gulf War frightened some children until their dad asked them to remember how long it took to drive to grandma’s house, only one day, and that this war was over 15 days car travel away. The children breathed a sigh of relief. They were learning relativity at an early age. In practice, learning the truth about Santa Claus teaches us relativity.

Then at old age days fly by. Where did time go? If this can happen in the life of every person, why can’t we apply this to the life of the universe? It started fast and is slowing down, but as it is slowly down it is also slowly down faster.

2nd Law of Thermodynamics – time is changing

In fact isn’t that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics? That the world is slowing down and wearing out, just as we do. This law also states that there is no going backwards. God has made it clear that we are all goal oriented.

The Law of Entropy

But this leads to another question scientists need to re-examine – the law of entropy. Carbon dating standards appear set in some kind of inexplicable bronze. Current values are a product of Newtonian physics, not Einsteinium. But the world itself shows the effect of mistaken time.

Carbon dating ignores the effect of the invisible world on time. I hope before I die I see the entire science of carbon dating revised to show how time has altered events of the past.

Originally lifetimes were hundreds of years; Adam lived 900 years. lifetimes were drastically reduced after the flood and have increased especially in the past two centuries. Age 100 is not common now but the Bible predicts that will be the age of a child in the future.

A the world physically deteriorates, human beings are improving, living longer, working smarter and happier, except where politicians see to it that no one is happy. Man’s sweep of influence increases with his knowledge and power, but environmentally there is increasing decay.

The invisible world can be multi-dimensional

The final issue in modern physics is string-theory which they call dimensions. A dimension is where someone or something can exist, and into which we might want to travel. Any real dimension has, in fact, dimensions, i.e. length, breath, width.

People who have seen angels say they have gender, color, and bulk, hardly a string. But to the physicist, it may look like a string since they see the shadow, not the reality. All humans have personality which also is invisible. That too could be a string in which case there are seven billion strings on the planet today. My personality will live forever after I die so who is to say it is not a string, as yet an unidentified or unrecognized.

One dimension may be human personality

There is no reason to assume these dimensions are inanimate objects or places. They are more likely to be personalities, what the Bible calls souls, or psyche, meaning will, intellect and emotion.

The first being to show up in the cosmos was a personality – God. Other persons soon followed. Angels have personalities, which surely is one dimension; animals have Will, Intellect and Emotion too – they clearly are in another dimension. Other places where Will, Intellect and Emotion exist is in our dreams, our drug-induced visions, demonic spirits and demons, and possibly other beings identified as having personality. I think of the stars which sing.

Music as a dimension

You can say this is literary license, but the Bible says, “Thy word is truth.” So let us not be so cavalier in our interpretation. The stars sing. It does not say the star has a song; player pianos have songs. Singing is done by beings.

Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Isaiah said mountains sing. In fact we can count sound as a dimension too. “No sound is without signification” which means a door slam, a dog bark or a brisk breeze means something. It may not have eternal meaning or  value but it does mean something.

1 Corinthians 14:10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.

David said he would prophesy, that is bring a message from God, on his harp (probably a guitar.) July 17, 2012, a guitarist on Kim Clement TV was “prophesying.” No interpretation was given and I did not get one, but the people there seemed to understand. Clearly this is a dimension we must not ignore.

Did God use music to create the universe

Some theologians believe that the language God used to create the universe was music. Spoken and written language is very limited but music, based on mathematics, has no limits.  So that theory makes sense. I have a book coming in 2020 which goes into more detail on this.

String theory says there is no empty space in space, -that something is there but what? The ancient Hebrews were not given to speculation but we modern Christians are. What if string theory is the mesh like reality of personalities in concert. Stay tuned. We have more research to do.

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

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